Case Study

Alignment of Executive Team around shared purpose for non-profit promoting classical music


  • Large private non-profit organization promoting classical music in Spain

  • CEO wants to align her executive team formed by 12 people of 2 different backgrounds: artistic and management


  • Diagnostic via individual interviews allowed to identify each member’s background, perspective, and motivations

  • Team dynamics and leadership styles were assessed

  • Common ground and shared motivations were identified

  • Workshop with the Executive Team was conducted, covering the following elements

  • Action plan and commitments (group and individual) were documented and followed up in the following 6 months to ensure implementation

  • Communication to the entire organization was led by the CEO and rest of the Executive Team


  • Alignment and motivation around a common purpose

  • “Before and after” situation when it comes to team dynamics and personal connections among team members

  • Reinforced leadership by CEO and executive team

  • Communication and involvement of the whole organization around new purpose